Vue.ls.get(name, def)

Returns value under name in storage. Internally parses the value from JSON before returning it.

  • def: default null, returned if not set name.

Vue.ls.set(name, value, expire)

Persists value under name in storage. Internally converts the value to JSON.

  • expire: default null, life time in milliseconds name


Removes name from storage. Returns true if the property was successfully deleted, and false otherwise.


Clears storage.

Vue.ls.on(name, callback)

Listen for changes persisted against name on other tabs. Triggers callback when a change occurs, passing the following arguments.

  • newValue: the current value for name in storage, parsed from the persisted JSON
  • oldValue: the old value for name in storage, parsed from the persisted JSON
  • url: the url for the tab where the modification came from

Vue.ls.off(name, callback)

Removes a listener previously attached with Vue.ls.on(name, callback).

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